BIG GIVE for Hill Country Family Services

Join Us in the Fight Against Child Hunger in Kendall County

A fundraising campaign for Hill Country Family Services








Days to Go





Hill Country Family Services’ (HCFS) mission is to provide programs and services to improve the mental, physical and financial wellness of the individuals and families in Kendall County, Texas through counseling, food, clothing and emergency financial assistance.  HCFS empowers our clients by assisting them in making healthy lifestyle choices and provides a connection to other community services and resources.


Founded in July 1985, Hill Country Family Services’ clients continue to represent the entirety of our community: men, women, families, young adults, children, seniors, minorities, veterans, homeless, immigrants, college educated, those in financial crisis, individuals with debilitating illnesses, and the unemployed.  HCFS focuses on wholly addressing mental, physical and fiscal wellness of each individual and family, which ties together nutrition, medicine, physical exercise, budgeting, mental health counseling and case management. HCFS ties together local and state agencies and organizations to form a “circle of care” for our clients.  On average, HCFS serves upwards of 1,400 clients each month.

                   Hill Country Family Services provides one full week’s worth of supplemental food each month to support each household with the appropriate amount of groceries, based on the number of adults and children in the home, their ages, and the time of year (school versus summer break, holiday vacation and Spring Break).  Food distribution concentrates on USDA “MyPlate” nutrition standards to ensure every person has access to the right amount of fruits, grains, vegetables, dairy, and protein items.  Additionally, HCFS provides one “Mobile Food Pantry” per calendar month for clients to receive bulk, fresh produce.  This infusion of fresh vegetables and fruits serves to increase the nutritional value of food that is available to these individuals and families. Families are also authorized multiple “emergency” food distributions throughout the year, on a case-by-case basis.

Hill Country Family Services’ Thrift Shop and Warehouse serve two purposes:  1) to provide clothing and household items to families in need, and 2) to conduct retail sales to fund client programs, to include counseling, food, clothing and emergency financial assistance. Through the charitable donations of individuals and organizations, HCFS is able to repurpose items for either client use or resale.

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