Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund


A fundraising campaign for Cllctivly



361 Donors

0 days left

UPDATE: The Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund has surpassed our original goal of providing fifty $500 microgrants and has provided over 100 micro-grants! Let's keep it going!

(See a list of current grantees here.)

CLLCTIVLY and our partners recognize that COVID-19 and the necessary public health measures to address it will affect our community in many ways – in the weeks ahead and the months to come.

(See a list of current grantees here.)

Along with the life-threatening implications, it will disrupt the normal operations of everyone in our community. Black-led organizations on the frontline are essential to the wellbeing of our community. As these organizations respond, they may become financially vulnerable themselves as they scramble to cover the cost of expanding their services or suspend programs and events that generate revenue. 

According to a recent report on the racial wealth divide in Baltimore, 32 percent of Black Baltimore have zero household net worth and 67 percent could not survive more than three months in the absence of income.

As noted in The Case for Funding Black-led Social Change, there has been a long pattern of philanthropic neglect and under-investment in the infrastructure of Black institutions. Black-led organizations are often expected to do more with less. As the weeks go on, the hardship on individuals and families will intensify. Many already on the financial edge may be pushed into crisis. The demand for emergency services, food, rent, utility, and childcare assistance as well as mental health services is anticipated. This is when we will need our organizations the most.     

Our community needs your support to ensure these organizations can help us through this time and in the future.  

In the spirit of Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) now is the time for all of us to come together to support those in need and to contribute to the vitality and health of our community.

Your financial contribution will support micro-grants for Baltimore’s Black-led Changemakers.


Community organizations often work in silos, these silos lead to fragmentation, fragmentation leads to duplication, and duplication leads to wasted resources – time, talent and treasure.

CLLCTIVLY is a hyper-local social change ecosystem using an asset-based framework to focus on racial equity, narrative change, and social connectedness.

Our mission is to end the fragmentation and duplication of programs, to learn from and about each other, and to be a resource for the Greater Baltimore community that seeks to find, fund and partner with Black social change organizations.

CLLCTIVLY launched in 2019 and has invested over $20,000 into Black-led social change organizations.

We are still going strong! #28DaysofBlackFutures

February 25, 2022

WE HAVE RAISED $32,776 OF OUR $100,000 GOAL

Today, we're aiming to encourage 1,000 people to each donate $10 to support our #28DaysOfBlackFutures crowdfunding and narrative power campaign. Since the beginning of February, we have been highlighting Black-led organizations serving Greater Baltimore daily to raise awareness about the amazing work they're doing to improve our city. We're also aiming to mobilize resources for these organizations to help them fund their programs and initiatives. Truth is, we need help from you, our community, to achieve our goal of raising $100,000 to support the 28 Black-led organizations featured in this campaign.

Here's how YOU can support:
1️⃣ SHARE this post with your social networks.
2️⃣ Visit our website to learn about each organization and DONATE $10 or what you can. A little goes a long way! 
3️⃣ POST the "I made a donation" badge (swipe left) to your social networks encouraging others to donate too. Let's celebrate and help fund the work of these Black Changemakers, together!

Support Black-led Social Change in Baltimore! #GivingTuesday

November 30, 2021 

We Got Your Back Campaign

June 6, 2021

We’re kicking off our fundraising initiative called “We Got Your Back” to provide a strong community and financial support for a Black woman changemaker serving greater Baltimore.

So often, those who are operating social impact organizations use the majority of their resources for programming and don’t compensate themselves enough to be stable. We want to change this… one Black woman changemaker at a time.

Our advisory board along with our partners will select a sister who is making a huge impact in our city and would love to surprise her with a $2,000 monthly stipend to cover her living expenses for one year.

With your support, we can help our first recipient exhale and continue doing her part to build a better Baltimore without financial burdens looming over her. Let’s come together to make a difference in this sister’s life!

No amount is too small. We appreciate you!


March 8, 2021

We are excited to present the recipients of Cllctivly's Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.
Each organization will receive a $500 micro-grant!

Kimberly Ellis
Shannon Epps
The Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund supports Black-led and Black-owned organizations whose work has been impacted by COVID-19.

Our community needs your support to ensure Black-led organizations can continue doing their work through this unprecedented time and in the future.

Black Futures 360 Giving Circle

March 5, 2021

We are excited to begin our learning journey with the Black Futures 360 Giving Circle.

We will begin with special guests, Edgar Villanueva, author of 
Decolonizing Wealth, and Dr. Geri Lynn Peak, giving circle member and Chief Insight Facilitator at Two Gems Consulting Services.

Edgar will discuss Decolonizing Wealth and using money as medicine followed by Mama Geri who will facilitate a discussion on 
Developing Liberatory Principles for Giving.

It's not too late to join us. Come be apart of this learning journey and build community together! Join Now

Thanks for you continued support!

February 21, 2021

Thank you for your continued support! Your generous donations allow us to continue to support Black-led organizations serving in Greater Baltimore.

This month we launched CLLCTIV CONVERSATIONS. Click the links below to view our first two conversations with Dr. Caroline Hossein and Susan Taylor Batten.

Register for our next CLLCTIV CONVERSATION with Dr. Joanne Martin -

Thanks again for your support.

Stronger Together,


We Give Thanks!

December 31, 2020

With your support and generosity, we were able to invest over $200,000 into Black-led and Black-owned businesses. This could have not been possible without the 876 donors/partners that came alongside us.

2021 will bring its own challenges, but we are committed to staying the course. We look forward to new partnerships, expanding our programs, and building community.

Thank you for supporting our mission to a resource for those that seek to find, fund, and partner with Black social change organizations serving in Greater Baltimore. We are stronger together!

Happy New Year!

In love & service,



NFL’s Calais Campbell + Rockefeller Pledges $200K to support CLLCTIVLY

December 15, 2020

Walter Payton Man of the Year Calais Campbell and the Rockefeller Foundation join forces to support CLLCTIVLY Covid-19 Baltimore Micro-Grant Fund, a campaign that provides micro-grants to Black-led and Black-owned businesses in Baltimore impacted by Covid-19. Read Full Article - 

Dea C Lott: Why you should support CLLCTIVLY on #GivingTuesday

December 1, 2020

Special thanks to Dea Lott of
Spiritual Living by Che
for the kind words about her experience with Cllctivly.
Please consider donating to our organization on this Giving Tuesday to help us continue deploying resources to Baltimore's Black-led organizations and businesses.
Head over to
to GIVE! All donations are greatly appreciated!

Giving Tuesday is Here!

December 1, 2020

We're back at it!
In honor of Giving Tuesday, we're presenting four Black-led organizations with a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.
The recipients are:
If you can, please support local Black-led organizations this holiday season. Many have been heavily impacted by COVID-19, and our support will help them stay afloat and present in our communities.
Since March 2020, we have invested over $150,000 in micro-grants ranging from $500-$5000! Thank you for supporting Cllctivly and helping us serve as a resource for Black-led Baltimore!

Supporting Black-Owned Businesses #SmallBusinessSaturday

November 28, 2020

Good Morning Family!

In honor of Small Business Saturday, we're excited to present five Black small business owners with a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.

The recipients are:
Andrea "Mimi" Tomlin - Fly Nerd Apparel
Jamillah Muhammad - Taste This Cake
Lawrence Moore - Heavy Paper, LLC
Damian Mosely - Blacksauce Kitchen
Kellie Martin - Earth Elements Soapworks

If you can, please support local Black-owned businesses this holiday season. Many have been heavily impacted by COVID-19, and our support will help them stay afloat and present in our communities.
Since March 2020, we have invested over $150,000 in micro-grants ranging from $500-$5000! Thank you for supporting Cllctivly and helping us serve as a resource for Black-led Baltimore! 

#GivingTuesday2020: Let’s finish the year strong!

November 25, 2020

We are still in awe of our generous donors! Since March, CLLCTIVLY has invested over $150,000 into Black-led and Black-owned businesses in Baltimore. Thank you for your support! We are so thankful for our donors and partners that have been with us all year long and we’re excited to hit the ground running in 2021 offering new programming and funding opportunities. 

Center for the Study of Religion and the City Awards Grant to CLLCTIVLY

November 4, 2020

We are thankful for Dr. Harold D. Morales, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and the City, at Morgan State University for their continued support of the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.
Today we honor those that are led by the Spirit. Thank you for your public witness and commitment to love, truth-telling, and justice.
Each organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund. -
Victory House Worship Center
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Sisters Together And Reaching
Baltimore Brothers
Concrete Rose
Old School Bruja
Please support the Baltimore Black Solidarity Fund -

Let's Finish the Year Strong!

October 28, 2020

Good Morning Family!

Today we honor four changemakers, trailblazers, creatives, and entrepreneurs serving in our community. We thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure. Since March we have invested over $150,000 in micro-grants ranging from $500-$5000! Thank you for supporting the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund! #wegivethanks #wegiveblack
Each business or organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund. -
Kirsten Allen
Meraki Community Uplift
Kutia Jawara
Baltimore Black Dance Collective
Albert Phillips Jr.
Author, "Y’all Hiring? : The Black Teen’s Guide to Navigating Employment"

CLLCTIVLY launches Artist-in-Residence program in partnership with SunSpot Studios.

October 14, 2020

CLLCTIVLY launches Artist-in-Residence program in partnership with SunSpot Studios.

CLLCTIVSOUND: Artist-in-Residence program is a 10-month performance and movement-based residency, residents will develop a 10-episode series centering Black artists, Black business, and Black-led organizations serving in greater Baltimore. The residents will be supported by a $10,000 stipend, a multimedia team, coaching, and professional development provided by our partners. The program will culminate with a celebration and reunion roundtable highlighting their journey.

We are proud to announce our first artist in residence, Konjur Collective!

CLLCTIVLY featured in the Fall issue of John Hopkins Magazine

October 7, 2020


Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson / Published Fall 2020

In the spring of 2015, Jamye Wooten took a reverend from Ferguson, Missouri, on a tour through Baltimore. It was several weeks after Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old Black man, died while in police custody. The city was in turmoil after protests over police brutality led to an uprising that captured the nation’s attention and resulted in National Guard tanks mobilized in the streets for the first time since Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in 1968. Wooten had helped community members process and organize after Gray’s death. His guest, who came from the city where Michael Brown had been shot by police several months earlier, was visiting to train fellow clergy in peaceful protest strategies. While driving through one part of town, they passed boarded-up houses, abandoned ball fields, and burned-out buildings.

“Did the uprising happen over here, too?” the reverend asked.

Wooten shook his head. “No, this neighborhood has been boarded up like this for the last 20 years,” he said.

Seeing the city fresh through the eyes of an outsider jolted Wooten. His colleague was “looking at parts of Baltimore as if they were the result of the uprising,” Wooten says. “But the destruction was really from years of structural violence and disinvestment in Black neighborhoods.”

Wooten describes himself, in no particular order, as an activist, digital strategist, and social entrepreneur. He founded a consulting firm for faith-based and nonprofit outfits, and has organized and documented social movements from across the United States, United Kingdom, and Africa. These days, Wooten mostly thinks about the financial burdens of being Black. He grew up in Baltimore and has made it his life’s mission to support Black lives and businesses. For three years, he worked as program director with the faith-based Collective Banking Group to help finance Black organizations. Read Full Article


August 21, 2020

Over $120,000 of unrestricted funds invested in Black-led organizations since March 2020!
We couldn't have done it without you! Thanks for your support!

CLLCTIVLY Awards Baltimore Ceasefire $5000 Grant

August 21, 2020

On August 7th Baltimore Ceasefire celebrated its 3rd Anniversary! We are honored to partner with The Center for the Study of Religion and the City at Morgan State University and award a $5,000 grant as a part of our Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund!

Thank you, Erricka Bridgeford, Ellen Gee, and the Ceasefire family for holding it down!
#WeGiveThanks #WeGiveBlack

GET READY! There are 50+ amazing Baltimore-area Black-led organization

August 5, 2020

GET READY! There are 50+ amazing Baltimore-area Black-led organizations that you should become familiar with and support during CLLCTIVGIVE and beyond. 
Here’s what to do:
* Hit the link in our bio
* Follow the “DONATE” link
* Find and select an organization you want to support
* Click the “DONATE” button on their profile page!
* Keep the giving going by sharing the graphic below on your social media pages!
CLLCTIVGIVE kicks off on Friday at MIDNIGHT and ends at 11:59pm. Donations will go live then!

Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund #Update

August 5, 2020


Sooooo, Last month I unexpectedly received a $500 grant from @cllctivly ... See the thing is, I had been tethering back and forth in making a needed investment for the growth of @nkvskin. When I received the exact amount of what I needed the funds for, I knew God was moving me forward! Ain't He GOOD! So of course when I saw their campaign to purchase their shirts to help other #smallblackbusiness like mine grow, I jumped right on it! Thank you @cllctivly and for those who nominated my business! And to honor Baltimore's Small Black Business, I am proudly rocking some of my faves. @on_her_dresser on the eargasms, @shopjaeariel on the Eyes 😎 @pressedbythope on the edges @nevaehsplace on the waist. Oh and of course @nkvskin on the BOMB SKIN emmmmmkay! Please go and purchase your tee today! #buildingblackfuturestogether

THIS IS IT! On Friday, we go LIVE with our 24 hour day of giving!

August 3, 2020

DONATE to and SUPPORT Black-led organizations in greater Baltimore from 12 am to 11:59 pm on August 7th.

IN JUST ONE WEEK, we kick off 24 hours of giving at @cllctivgive!⠀⠀

July 31, 2020

IN JUST ONE WEEK, we kick off 24 hours of giving at @cllctivgive!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Here’s how it works:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
* If you’re non-profit or fiscally-sponsored organization.

SIGN UP! Registration closes TODAY at 5pm! We're giving away $10K in prizes!⠀

* If you’re individual looking to make a small donation. DONATE! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
* If you’re a business owner looking to support to Black-led organizations in Baltimore – THIS IS FOR YOU!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Tag a friend and SHARE THIS POST!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Click the link for more information!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

We did it! Over 100 micro-grants provided to Black-led organizations serving in Greater Baltimore

July 23, 2020

We did it! Over 100 micro-grants provided to Black-led organizations serving in Greater Baltimore.

$60,000+ in micro-grants ranging from $500-$1500 and 1,500 meals served to our community! Thank you for supporting the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund! #wegivethanks #wegiveblack

Today we honor nine changemakers, trailblazers, creatives, and entrepreneurs serving in our community. We thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure.

Each business or organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund. -

Join CLLCTIVLY and over 30 organizations on August 7th for our local day of giving #CLLCTIVGIVE - Over $10,000 in prizes!

Changa Onyango
AO Services

Crystal Forman
Holistic Wellness and Health

Ray Kelly
Citizens Policing Project

Will Walker & Tony Sutton
Brunch N Burn

Chef Jasmin Norton
The Urban Oyster

Kyle O'Connor, Deonn Henderson & Marcus Howard
The Startup Nest

Bianca J. Jackson
BrickRose Exchange

Greg Brown and Naijha Wright-Brown
The Land of Kush

Bashi Rose
Nommo Theatre

Happy Sunday! We Give Thanks!

July 12, 2020

Happy Sunday!

Today we honor makers, creators and entrepreneurs serving in our community. We thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure.

Each business or organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.

To this date, the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund has provided 91 no-strings-attached micro-grants ranging from $500-$1000. 

Jamyla Bennu
Oyin Handmade

Dominick Davis & Steven White

Ashlee Boston and Michelle Cole
Namascents Candle Co.

Letta Moore
Knits, soy and metal

Erica Bentley
Keepers Vintage

Jo-Ann Enwezor

Nikia K. Vaughan
BossLife /NikiaVaughan/ Wellness/Beauty/Community

Iyonna Woods
Fancy Free Hair & Skin

Please continue to support the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund as we work to provide (100) $500 micro-grants. -

Register today for our local day of giving - Over $10,000 in prizes!

83 and counting!

July 12, 2020

Happy Sunday,

Today we honor five more amazing individuals and organizations serving in our community. We thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure.

Each organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.

To this date, the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund has provided 83 no-strings-attached micro-grants ranging from $500-$1000. 

Troy Staton
Luvs Art Project

Adrienne Watson Carver
Studio "A" Modeling Etiquette and Dance Academy

Derrick Chase
Stand Up Baltimore

Charles "Choo" Smith
Choo Smith Youth Empowerment

Michael and Danielle Battle
RICH-Restoring Inner City Hope

Please continue to support the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund as we work to provide (100) $500 micro-grants. -

Register today for our local day of giving - Over $10,000 in prizes!

Baltimore Black-owned Movie Theatre Keeps pushing forward in the midst of COVID-19

July 4, 2020

Amplify Baltimore – CLLCTIVLY caught up with Anthony Fykes, co-owner of Next Act Cinema. Anthony shares with us the history of Next Act Cinema, barriers to capital, and how they are pivoting in the midst of COVID-19.

Next Act Cinema is the recipient of CLLCTIVLY’s Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund micro-grant.

CLLCTIVLY is proud to partner with Next Act Cinema as a sponsor of their “Short Short” Film Contest for filmmakers under the age of 25. Watch Interview Here

Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund has provided 78 no strings-attached micro-grants ranging from $500-$1000

July 1, 2020

Today we honor five more amazing individuals and organizations serving in our community. We thank you for all that you do to make our community and Baltimore whole. Each organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund. To this date, the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund has provided 78 no-strings-attached micro-grants ranging from $500-$1000. 

Tara Doaty
Sage Wellness Group

Damion J Cooper
Project Pneuma

Mama Geri Lynn Peak
Baltimore Virtues Connection

Monique Levy
Led Ladies

Kendrick "Dj5Starr" Tilghman
5starr Enterprise

Please continue to support the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund as we work to provide (100) $500 micro-grants. -

Register today for our local day of giving - Over $10,000 in prizes

Interested in becoming a sponsor - Learn More -

Happy Sunday!

June 28, 2020

Good Morning Family,

Today we honor five more incredible organizations serving in our community. We thank you for all that you do to make our community whole. Each organization will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund. 

Happy Father's Day!

June 21, 2020

We are honored to partner with Matt Prestbury and Kelly Prestbury of The Black Father Foundation to salute brothers serving in our community. #BlackFathersMatter. Each gentleman will receive a $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.  

Happy Father's Day Gentleman!

Michael Cornish
Dads United Organization

Eric D. Smith
Winning Strategies: Fatherhood, The Courts & Custody

Nathan Thomas
Band of Brovaz - public

Shelley Stephenson
Our Children Need Their Dads

Terry Jones

Register today for our local day of giving -

Over $10,000 in prizes!

$10,000 Promise - Route One's Fundraiser

June 20, 2020

Route One's Fundraider

Please consider donating to this local nonprofit as a part of our 10K Promise! From now until June 26th, we are matching your donations up to $10,000 per organization with a minimum combined commitment of $10,000 among four nonprofits. You can donate in Route One's fundraiser here >>>>

Let's get free #Juneteenth

June 20, 2020

Today we salute seven more organizations serving in our community. Thank you for all that you do! Let's get free!

 #wegivethanks #wegiveblack #juneteenth

Anthony Fykes and Robert Wright 

Next Act Cinema

Andrea Brown

Black Mental Health Alliance

Marché Templeton

Support A Cause Foundation for the Arts

Ana Temple Rodney


Ernest Shaw

AsyaShaw Fine Art

Nia Hampton

Black Femme Supremacy Film Fest

Dea Lott

Che Yoga

Please continue to support the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity as we work to provide (100) $500 micro-grants.

Register today for our local day of giving -

Over $10,000 in prizes!

Supporting our children, youth, families, and fitness!

June 13, 2020

Good Morning Family!

Today we give thanks for those that work to support our children, youth, and families.

Thank you for all that you do!

Kieta Iriarte-Amin, Bmore Empowered

Abdul-Jaami O. Salaam, Keys Empowers

Dawnita Brown and Regina Salliey-Cooper, Black Girl Global Exchange

Jonathan Moore,

Olufunmike Woods, DewMore Baltimore

Anthony Watters, More Watters Co.

Continue to support the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity as we work to provide (100) $500 micro-grants.…/baltimore-black-led-relief-fund

If you are a Black-led organization serving in Baltimore City or County, register today for our local day of giving - Over $10,000 in prizes!


June 6, 2020

Thank you for your support! We have surpassed our goal of providing fifty $500 micro-grants and are working toward providing 100! We could not have done this without your support!

Below you will find a copy of our postcard. If you would like us to mail you a copy as a token of our appreciation, please visit our website to add your address.-

We have the power, collectively, to make Baltimore the greatest city in America! Thank you for your commitment to Build Black Futures.

In love & service,



June 6, 2020

3 June 2020 - Irene Bantigue

CLLCTIVLY seeks to create an ecosystem which fosters collaboration among black-led social change organizations in Baltimore. We recently caught up with Jamye Wooten, CLLCTIVLY’s Founder, to discuss the barriers to support that black businesses and organizations are faced with during COVID-19, as well as the power of collective care and community ownership.

Growing up in Baltimore, Jamye Wooten watched his family bootstrap their way to success. His father–who Jamye describes as an amazing entrepreneur–operated five dry cleaners and several night clubs across the city. His mother, an evangelist by practice, ran a florist, and his older sister also eventually went on to open two pizza delivery stores. To launch her businesses, his sister bought housing to use as collateral and finance both locations. 

His family were ultimately able to achieve success on their own terms. Nonetheless, Jamye still wonders what it might have looked like had they had greater access to capital and support in the first place.

Jamye’s drive to shift narratives and realities for black entrepreneurs and changemakers centers the work that he does today. He is the Founder of CLLCTIVLY, an organization that seeks to create an ecosystem which fosters collaboration among black-led social change groups in Baltimore. As the global pandemic heightened, it served as a catalyst for the advancement of CLLCTIVLY’s mission. “[We went] full steam ahead with work we were already doing and how we wanted to serve the community,” Jamye shares. Read Full Article


June 4, 2020

Join us on Friday, August 7, 2020, for the CLLCTIVGIVE.

In honor of Black Philanthropy Month, CLLCTIVLY launches our 2nd Annual Day of Giving for Black-led social change organizations serving in Greater Baltimore. This 24-hour online and live celebration of giving is part of CLLCTIVLY's mission to be a resource for the Greater Baltimore community that seeks to find, fund, and partner with Black social change organizations. CLLCTIVGIVE is designed to ignite support for organizations that often go unnoticed and are under-resourced. Learn More

Interested in sponsoring CLLCTIVGIVE 2020? Learn more here

#Give10 - Help us recruit 100,000 partners to commit to giving $10 to a Black-led organization on August 7th. #CLLCTIVGIVE #WEGIVEBLACK

Today we celebrate Black life!

May 29, 2020

Today we celebrate Black life. Giving thanks for those that continue to fight for us, nourish us, and build community with us. 

Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle

Nichole Adriane
Black Girls Cook

Kevin Brown
Nancy By SNAC

Matt Prestbury
The Black Fathers Foundation

Nakeia Drummond

Ras Tre Subira
Afrikan Youth Alchemy -AYA

Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund - In the News

May 28, 2020

Nonprofit keeps black-led businesses afloat with solidarity fund

The coronavirus has hit communities of color especially hard, medically and financially. Cllctivly, a Baltimore nonprofit, is working to keep black-led businesses afloat with a solidarity fund.

Black and minority-owned businesses are denied virus relief funds – Survey reveal


The pandemic appears to have a particular hold on the minority community both physically and financially. Jamye Wooten of the group CLLCTIVLY is working to help Baltimore's black-owned businesses stay afloat as many struggle to find loans. 

Meet the Innovator: Jamye Wooten of CLLCTIVLY 


Celebrating the genius of innovators, entrepreneurs, and advocates!

May 21, 2020

Today we celebrate the genius of innovators, entrepreneurs, and advocates. Thank you for your service and commitment to a healthy and whole Baltimore.

Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III
Black Church Food Security Network…/black-church-food-security-network/

Sharayna Christmas
Muse 360 Arts

Juan Nance
Healthy People Juice

‎Nilajah Brown
Flourish Baltimore

Jamal Jones
The Algebra Project

Thanks for sharing your gifts & talents with our community!

May 17, 2020

Happy Sunday!

Today we honor five more amazing people serving in Baltimore. Thank you for your commitment and willingness to share your gifts and talents to advance our community.

Sundiata Osagie
Reflection Eternal

Mia Musa
Invisible Majority

Pierre Bennu
Exit the Apple

Andria Nacina Cole
A Revolutionary Summer

Kendal Brown
228 Grant Street Candle Co.

Please support the Baltimore Black Solidarity Fund and help us provide (50) $500 micro-grants -

Bmore Baskets supports CLLCTIVLY!

May 16, 2020

From our partners at Bmore Baskets.

Buy a Basket, Support a Baltimore Business.

BMore Baskets offers themed gift packages full of Baltimore small business products. Local businesses receive 100% of their retail sale price, and all proceeds are donated to CLLCTIVLYSmall businesses have been deeply impacted by COVID-19, and we're excited to help them any way we can.

If you're able to, consider sending some Charm City cheer to your loved ones, friends afar, team members working remotely, or treating yourself because you definitely deserve it. We ship anywhere in the US and deliver locally.

Share our website or Instagram (@bmorebaskets) with others in your network who care just as much about community and small business entrepreneurs -

#BmoreBlackOwned - Black Futures Micro-Grant

May 16, 2020



Are you a Black-owned or Black-led organization in Baltimore City or Baltimore County that has been impacted by COVID-19? CLLCTIVLY is proud to announce the #BmoreBlackOwned Video Contest. The first-place winner will receive $1,500, and the runner-up, $1,000.

To enter, simply upload your video (4 minutes max) and write a brief description. ​

Videos should include:

  • Introduce your company and explain what your business does, where you operate or community(ies) served.
  • How COVID-19 has impacted your business and how you would use the funds.
  • Building collectively requires shared principles, so please include one principle from the Nguzo Saba and explain why this principle is important to your work.

Learn More: 

We have already awarded over 30 grants!

May 11, 2020

Thanks for your support! We have already awarded over 30 grants! Check them out here!

Good Morning Family! Honoring Four More Changemakers!

April 30, 2020

Today we honor four more amazing people serving in Baltimore. Thank you for sincere commitment to advance the health and well-being of our community.

Michelle Stafford, Divayogi: Therapeutic Yoga

Dominic Nell, City Weeds

Nneka Nnamdi, Flight Blight Bmore

K Favoraintfair Daugherty, The Creative Nomads

Please support the Baltimore Black Solidarity Fund and help us provide (50) $500 micro-grants -

CLLCTIVLY receives $3000 grant from the Center for the Study of Religion and the City

April 28, 2020

We are thankful for Dr. Harold D. Morales, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and the City, at Morgan State University for a $3,000 grant to support Cllctivly's Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund.

Today we honor those that have been standing in the gap. Thank you for your public witness and commitment to love, truth-telling, and justice.

Tawanda Jones, Tyrone West Coalition
$500 Black Futures Micro-Grant

Edward "Dr. Ted" Sutton, Sutton House
$500 Black Futures Micro-Grant

Lady Brion - Black Arts District
$500 Black Futures Micro-Grant

Sima Lee - Baltimore Mutual Aid & Emergency Relief Fund
$500 Black Futures Micro Grant

Baltimore Ceasefire Weekend May 8-10, 2020
$1000 Black Futures Micro-Grant

Raising up the next generation of leaders!

April 24, 2020

Today we honor our brother, Imhotep Fatiu - author, teacher, leader, and Executive Director of the Urban Youth Initiative Project, where their mission is to empower African American youth, through exposure to, and study of, African History and Culture. -

Thank you for leadership and your tireless commitment to our youth and the African world.

Centering Community Healing and Wellness for Baltimore's Changemakers!

April 21, 2020

Today we honor our sista, Shawna Murray-Browne of Kindred Community Healing, a liberation-focused, community rooted organization dedicated to honoring culture, expanding mindfulness, and holding safe space for Black women, girls and changemakers in the Baltimore Metro area. -

Thank you for all that you do to provide a liberatory framework for community healing! We are blessed to have you in our city.

Neighbors Without Walls will provide over 150 dinners on Saturday, April 18th

April 16, 2020

CLLCTIVLY is proud to present a micro-grant for $1000 to Chef Terrance Dickson of Terra Cafe. Chef Terrance has been hosting Neighbors Without Walls for over 11 years providing food for neighboring communities and those in need. 

Neighbors Without Walls will provide over 150 dinners on Saturday, April 18th. 

Solidarity, not charity...Supporting our community and Black Business.  #blackledbaltimore #blackownedbaltimore

Neighbors Without Walls will provide over 150 dinners on Saturday, April 18th

April 16, 2020

CLLCTIVLY is proud to present a micro-grant for $1000 to Chef Terrance Dickson of Terra Cafe. Chef Terrance has been hosting Neighbors Without Walls for over 11 years providing food for neighboring communities and those in need. 

Neighbors Without Walls will provide over 150 dinners on Saturday, April 18th. 

Solidarity, not charity...Supporting our community and Black Business.  #blackledbaltimore #blackownedbaltimore

Developing healthy, vibrant communities - Living Well

April 16, 2020

Today we honor our sister, Maurissa Stone-Bass of The Living Well Center. For over 10 years she has held space for our community to come together, heal and grow.

CLLCTIVLY is honored to provide our sister with a $500 micro-grant for her continued commitment to the health and wellness of our community.

Our Barbershops and Beauty Salons are more than businesses, they are community anchors.

April 14, 2020

Today we salute Bro. Jabari Natur - Master Barber, Teacher, and Community Leader, who has been on the frontline for over 20 years.

Bro. Jabari is the owner of Conscious Heads Barbershop and Beauty Salon, Conscious Heads Barbering Bootcamp, and Reality Speaks Lecture Series.

Cllctivly is honored to provide him with a $500 micro-grant for his continued commitment to our community.

Thank you all that you do to serve our community and raise up the next generation!

Over 15,000 pounds of food distributed to the Douglas Homes community

April 10, 2020

Honored to come alongside the brothers of We Our Us to respond to the call of Rev. Ann Chambers and the Douglas Homes community. Over 15,000 pounds of food was distributed to the community today.

Cllctivly is proud to present a micro-grant for $1,000 to support their work. Special thanks to Captain Andrew Muhammad for facilitating the partnership!

Wombwork Productions, Inc. receives $500 Micro-Grant

April 10, 2020

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey

Today we make our second $500 micro-grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund to culture-bearers, Mama Kay Lawal-Muhammad and Mama Rashida Forman-Bey of Wombwork Productions, Inc. We thank you for your tireless commitment to our children and our community.

CLLCTIVLY begins distributing micro-grants from Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund

April 10, 2020

Today we make our first $500 grant from the Baltimore Black-led Solidarity Fund to Bro. Nati of Everyone's Place Bookstore & African Cultural Center. We know that our barbershops & beauty salons, restaurants, and bookstores are more than places where goods and services are exchanged, they are community anchors.

Everyone's Place has served as an anchor and a center for deep knowledge, not just for Baltimore but across the globe. We salute you Brother Nati and thank you for your ongoing commitment to our city and Africans throughout the Diaspora.

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