It's the ultimate tug of war challenge... and a GREAT team-building event! Gather a team of 12 and play "tug of war" with a 55,000-lb fire truck. The teams with the Fastest Team Pull will be named the Fire Truck Pull Challenge Champions!
Bring all of your biggest fans to cheer you on during your pull - it's excitement for all ages! We also encourage Special Olympics Texas - Athletes to attend.
Awards will be presented 1st - 3rd place for the fastest team.
Join us and be the "rage" of your community, bragging rights to pulling a Fire Truck Pumper! We will also award our Biggest Fundraiser!
Fire Truck Pull is a Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics event. The Law Enforcement Torch Run is Special Olympics' largest grassroots fund raiser and public awareness vehicle. Special Olympics athletes and Law Enforcement Torch Run officers carry the "Flame of Hope" at the Opening Ceremonies for Special Olympics competitions around the world.
When you register you will be given the opportunity to create a personal fundraising page - if you have any questions or need assistance with that please contact Vanessa Salazar