Active Bethel Community Green Food Drive

A fundraising campaign for FOOD For Lane County



4 Donors

0 days left

Active Bethel Community (ABC), in partnership with the Lion's Club, is holding a food drive to benefit FOOD For Lane County. Help us ensure our neighbors have adequate nutrition to live healthy and fulfilling lives by making your donation here today.

This is both a traditional food drive and a "green" food drive. Funds donated through this page go directly to FOOD For Lane County. Donations can be made now through March 2nd. 

Last year ABC raised 1,139lbs of food, the second highest amount collected of all the neighborhood associations that participated in the drive. Let's keep it up and beat last year's record!

Every dollar raised enables FFLC to distribute two meals. These meals go to people in need across Lane County, including many of our Bethel neighbors struggling to access healthy, nutritious food. 

Traditional Food Drive:
As mentioned, in addition to the green food drive, ABC is holding a traditional food drive.  If you would like to donate food, please bring your donations to the Bethel Albertson's parking lot on Saturday, March 2 between 10am-2pm. ABC volunteers will be stationed at a FFLC donation bin to accept your donations. Albertson's is located at 4740 Royal Ave, Eugene, OR 97402.

What to donate: Canned meats and fish, nuts, peanut butter, jerky, lentils, low-sugar dried fruit, apple sauce, canned fruit without sugar, pasta, brown rice, cereal, corn meal, baking mixes, flour, cereal, oatmeal, granola, granola bars, protein bars, protein shakes, coffee, tea, shelf-stable milk and milk alternatives such as oat milk, almond milk, soy milk, cooking oils, spices, condiments, masa, mole, chiles, specialty spices, canned vegetables, beans, canned tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, and easily prepared or already prepared foods such as soups, chilis, stews, and mac ‘n cheese.

FOOD For Lane County is an equal opportunity provider.

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