A Barn for the Barn Owl

SWR is pleased to announce a Barn Owl is joining the wildlife ambassadors of "Owls of North Florida" an inspiring native wildlife program.

A fundraising campaign for Sunrise Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc



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25 donors

 As the name Sunrise Wildlife Rehabilitation indicates, we focus on the rescue and rehabilitation of injured,orphaned and displaced native wildlife.

As our mission and passion have evolved interpretive wildlife programs have become central to the organization.

A BARN owl is set to join Sunrise Wildlife Rehabilitation to be part of  "Owls of North Florida" interpretive wildlife programs.

The Barn Owl will also serve as a surrogate for orphan barn owl babies.

Alachua Audubon Society is generously matching funds -$5.00=$10.00 for on-line donations. 

Volunteer labor will be utilized for the site prep/material pick-up and construction. The fundraiser is for the actual cost estimate of the lumber, screws, nails, roof panel, footers, flooring substrate and owl furnishings. Donations that exceed the goal will be put towards some minor existing enclosure repairs and food for the wildlife. 

The photo below  serves as example of the planned new enclosure which is called a mew. The new barn owl mew will be a spacious to allow for free flight. The vertical slatted wood design is ideal by providing security while still allowing the owl to see out .The mew pictured below is home to"Einstein" the great horned owl.


This new Barn Owl ambassador will have a  comfortable purposeful life as a program owl and also serve as a surrogate for orphan baby barn owls.

These interpretive programs prove time and again that experiencing live native wildlife in a close, safe controlled setting inspires a broader understanding and appreciation for all life. The benefits are endless, below are a few proven examples :

1.To engage children and adults thru native wildlife educational programs, while presenting a consistent message.

2. To ignite a sense of curiosity in the immediate real world of nature, by providing an “up close and personal” yet safe encounter with live native wildlife ambassadors who represent the wildlife of North Central Florida.

3. Thru example to encourage volunteerism and giving back to the community.

4. To help a rescuer faced with orphaned or injured wildlife find qualified rehabilitation quickly.

5. To promote environmentalism thru understanding of how our natural world is connected and every species has a role in the survival of all life

Last season SWR volunteers conducted 28 interpretive wildlife programs, at locations throughout north central Florida.   We reached over 3,400 people; the majority being children.

We hold the state and federal special use permits to care for and share four educational owls;  "Einstein" the Great Horned, "Merlin" the Barred, and  "Peach" and "Ruby Begonia" two Eastern Screech Owls, which are the focus of  the Owls of North Florida . "Wendell Wallnut" a Virginia Opossum and "Vlad" a Southern Flying Squirrel round out  Nocturnal Wildlife of North Florida .  





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