Please help us thank the generous volunteers who are making masks for our Essential Workforce. Thousands of masks are needed, and generous volunteers are donating their time each day to sew masks to protect essential works and the community at large.
Not sure how to sew masks, but still want to help? Show your appreciation for this dedicated group of volunteers by making a donation of $10 (one lunch), $20 (two lunches), $200 (covering lunch for a whole day) - or an amount that works for you. Any gift you give can help contribute directly to this important initiative.
We will also be using funds to reimburse volunteer sewists for some of the supplies used directly in this initiative, such as the locks for the SoSewMany blue donation boxes.
YOUR GIFT HAS DOUBLE THE IMPACT, because you're helping patronize local businesses who need these lunch orders to help manage this economic crisis.
As we move forward and consider an economic reopening plan, even more masks will be needed to protect workers throughout our community and help us work together safely.
This effort is being coordinated by Tompkins County Health Department and the Tompkins Chamber Foundation.