CSI Student Emergency Relief

Unity in Community

A fundraising campaign for College of Staten Island



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164 donors

Like all of us, CSI students are facing the unexpected and immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As necessary precautions were taken to close the CSI campus and colleges nationwide, our students are suddenly facing unprecedented challenges to afford basic needs like food and housing, loss of jobs, and securing necessary technology to be able to continue with online classes.

Your gift, of any amount, will provide relief to help our students address many needs and help to replenish the CSI Food Pantry, which is in high demand. CSI is not just a place - we are a vital community, whether we are on campus or at a necessary distance, for now.

In the words of Student Government President, Fatu Amara, Class of 2020, "Due to COVID-19, most students have lost their jobs, internships, and sources of income. Therefore, they are vulnerable to housing, food, and financial insecurity. An emergency fund will help students maintain their academics through distance learning while satisfying financial obligations that arise from bills, food, and academic commitment. With your generous support, I am confident that CSI students will endure this pandemic and come out very inspired to contribute to making this world a better place." 


Fatu Amara, Student Government President  Class of 2020 and Student Government Summit Award Recipient for Student Leadership

Donations may also be made payable to the CSI Foundation, Inc. and mailed to:

College of Staten Island

2800 Victory Blvd. 1A-210

Staten Island, NY 10314  

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