Shine a Light for Homeless and Runaway Youth

The National Runaway Safeline is here to listen, here to help. Your donation supports a critical service for youth in crisis.

A fundraising campaign for National Runaway Safeline

Here to Listen.

A gift to the National Runaway Safeline (NRS) ensures that whenever a youth or family is in crisis, someone is there to listen and help. When a child feels unsafe at home and doesn’t know who to trust or where to turn, NRS is here. Whether it's chatting with a 13-year-old girl thinking about running away from abuse, or the panicked parent of a missing child, or a homeless teen who doesn't know where he will sleep tonight, our compassionate crisis line volunteers are here to listen and provide compassionate, non-judgmental support.


Here to Help.

Runaway and homeless youth face complex challenges, and accessing the resources they need can be intimidating and confusing.  NRS is the nationally designated communication system for runaway and homeless youth services. A call to NRS is a call to every youth shelter in town.  It's a bus ticket home to family for a stranded runaway. It’s a conference call between a teen and her guardian, or a referral to counseling. NRS connects youth and families to the resources they need to navigate a crisis.


Here for YOU.

NRS is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in every U.S. state and territory. Every year, we provide solution-focused crisis intervention to nearly 40,000 young people and their families through our crisis hotline, live crisis chat, crisis email, and online forum. NRS is committed to addressing the challenges of runaway youth and youth homelessness. Your gift ensures that everyone can access these vital services.


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